You will need to provide the hotel with detailed Rooming List of all attendees along with all arrival/departure details. We suggest that this is undertaken when payments are made.
Please provide this when requested by hotel or at least 3 weeks prior to the date of the first Check-In.
In addition to aid conference planning when you have made payment to the hotel please send an email to given details of delegates and accompanying persons(see below).
If this is not completed we cannot guarantee attendance at the conference.
-Full Names,
-Payment date of conference and hotel.
-Arrival date and estimated time of arrival.
If arriving by plane or train; arrival time and flight number
-No of rooms and nights booked. If sharing / travelling with others in your party please identify with whom (full name).
-Date of Departure from Hotel/conference
If leaving by plane flight or train; departure time and flight number
Thank you for completing this.
Attendees must arrange all visa and vaccination requirements themselves (please see travel section)